Useful Things to Know about Sightseeing in Kyoto
Using the Free Kyoto Wi-Fi Service
Anne:I wonder where I can catch a Wi-Fi signal?
Bobby:Using a free Wi-Fi service would be so convenient!
Kyōtarō: The Kyoto Wi-Fi service is quite convenient to use!
Kyoto's free Wi-Fi service is being offered by the city of Kyoto and
business partners and is freely available for everyone to use.
Look for this sticker, which indicates availability of Kyoto's free Wi-Fi service. Please note that usage is free for up to three hours.
Kyōtarō: The Wi-Fi service is easy to access.
First, find a sticker with the QR Code, which is a square-shaped
matrix bar code. Using your mobile device, send a blank email to
the designated address that your device will read from the QR Code.
Thereafter, you should soon receive an email with a password
called a Guest Code. Select your Wi-Fi access point via your Wi-Fi
modem and open your browser where you can add your
password (guest code).
Bobby:I did it!
Anne: I am connected online!